Best 20+ Sports Jokes For Kids

Best 20+ Sports Jokes For Kids


  1. What do Olympic sprinters eat before a race?
    Nothing. They fast.
  2. Why is a baseball stadium always windy?
    Because it’s full of fans.
  3. What kind of race is never run?
    A swimming race.
  4. Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?
    In case they get a hole in one.
  5. What kind of pets like NASCAR?
    Lap dogs.
  6. Why is Cinderella so bad at soccer?
    Because she always runs away from the ball.
  7. Which type of goalkeeper can jump higher than a crossbar?
    All of them, crossbars can’t jump.
  8. What animal can you always find at a baseball game?
    A bat.
  9. Why did the police attend the baseball game?
    They heard that someone had stolen a base.
  10. Why should you avoid dinner with a basketball player?
    Because they dribble.
  11. When is a baseball player like a spider?
    When he catches a fly.
  12. Why is tennis such a loud sport?
    The players raise a racquet.
  13. What time is it when a golf ball goes through a window?
    Time to get a new window.
  14. What lights up a soccer stadium?
    A soccer match.
  15. Why are penguins good race drivers?
    Because they’re always in pole position.
  16. How is a baseball team like a pancake?
    They both need a good batter.
  17. Why did the orange lose the race?
    It ran out of juice.
  18. Which insect do you not want to see in goal?
    A fumble bee.
  19. Why aren’t chickens good at sports?
    Because they hit fowl balls.
  20. What do you get when you cross a baseball pitcher with a carpet?
    A throw rug.
  21. Why don’t baseball players join unions?
    Because they don’t like to be called out on strikes.
  22. Why are there no football stadiums in space?
    Because there’s no atmosphere.

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