Best 30+ Science And Nature Jokes For Kids

Best 30+ Science And Nature Jokes For Kids

  1. Why can’t you trust atoms?
    Because they make up everything.
  2. I was reading a book about helium yesterday.
    I couldn’t put it down.
  3. How do we know Saturn was married more than once?
    Because it’s got so many rings.
  4. How does NASA organize a party?
    They planet.
  5. Why do people make bad chemistry jokes?
    Because all the good ones Argon.
  6. What is a robot’s favorite snack?
    Computer chips.
  7. What did one DNA strand ask the other?
    Do these genes look okay?
  8. What did Benjamin Franklin say when he discovered electricity?
    Gosh. That’s shocking.
  9. Why do spiders make great web developers?
    Because they’re always finding bugs.
  10. Did you hear that oxygen went on a date with potassium?
    It went OK.
  11. Why couldn’t the computers fall asleep?
    Because it was always too wired.
  12. What types of songs do planets sing?
  13. I heard that Oxygen and Magnesium were going out together.
    I was like O Mg.
  14. What did the hipster ice cube say?
    I was water before it was cool.
  15. One tectonic plate bumped into the other.
    Sorry, it said, my fault.
  16. Why did the army use acid?
    To neutralize the enemy’s base.
  17. Why don’t scientists have doorbells?
    Because they want to win no-bell prizes.
  18. Why are computers so smart?
    They listen to their motherboard.
  19. What do you do when no one laughs at your science jokes?
    Keep trying until you get a reaction.
  20. There are 10 kinds of people.
    Those who understand binary and those who don’t.
  21. How does a physicist exercise?
    By pumping ions.
  22. Why is the ocean always grumpy?
    Because it has crabs on its bottom.
  23. What did the big flower say to the little flower?
    Hi there, bud!
  24. What sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?
    A nervous wreck.
  25. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
    A palm tree.
  26. What washes up on really small beaches?
  27. Why was the sand wet?
    Because the sea weed.
  28. What does a cloud wear under its clothes?
  29. How do trees get on the internet?
    They log in.
  30. Why do bees have sticky hair?
    Because they use honey combs.
  31. What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?
    A power plant.
  32. What does the wind play on family game night?
  33. Why did the cell stay in prison?
    Because it was held in by walls.
  34. Why are biology teachers like philosophers?
    They both give life lessons.
  35. What do plants do when someone’s unhappy?
    They photo-sympathise.

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