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A Girl Running Away Wet


A girl ran away wet: It was raining outside, and inside Harish was singing this romantic song. A cup of hot ginger tea in hand, the silence of the night and the company of like-minded people, perhaps this is called heaven.

Sapna smiled at her own thought. Harish used to sing really well. His song was making the atmosphere even more pleasant.

When the song ended, Harish looked towards Sapna in longing. Sapna also praised his song in her special style. Both of them were drinking tea happily.

Then Sapna jokingly asked Harish that for which girl he was singing this song, he also said in a dramatic manner – “There is someone, why should I tell you?

“Uh, don’t tell, I’m not even interested in listening.” Sapna also said this proudly and Harish started laughing. “They get angry with us like this again and again,
That our tears flow to convince them!

Harish composed a manipulative poem to convince her. Sapna also added her part to it. “You write very useless poetry.
You just say anything like this!!!”

Both of them laughed out loud at Sapna’s couplet. And then got engrossed in talking. Then Sapna woke up and suddenly ran downstairs, and went to the garden and started getting wet. Harish was watching her getting wet from above. Sapna knew very well how much she likes rain. So despite it being night, he did not stop her from getting wet.

When Sapna came up after getting wet to her heart’s content, Harish started humping again after seeing her. “A girl ran away wet….”

Sapna just got wet and sat on the chair in front of him. Sapna, who was dancing laughing in the rain below, suddenly became serious. He had no fear of getting sick. When Harish asked her to change her clothes, she said-

“Harish, unless you tell me about that girl, I will remain sitting here wet all night. If I fall ill, remember that you will be responsible for it too.” Sapna was saying this seriously. Harish was well aware of Sapna’s madness towards him. In order to convince Sapna, he said,

“Sapna, I said it jokingly, dear, I said it to tease you. Otherwise you know me since childhood, there is no one in my life now, nor will there ever be. You are getting carried away again today.”

“I am getting carried away, I, didn’t I catch you red handed, with Ruhi, tell me.

Sapna and Harish were childhood friends. In college, both of them became friends with Ruhi, and she also became their best friend. Harish and Ruhi started loving each other. Sapna knew this, Harish considered Sapna only as his best friend but Sapna loved him since childhood, and wanted to marry him. Sapna was insanely possessive towards Harish. She could never see Harish with any girl. Even if Harish talked too much with Ruhi, she would get upset and would not talk to him for two-three days. Then she agreed only after a lot of persuasion from Harish. Now this had become a permanent thing.

Despite Ruhi having all the qualities, Harish’s family did not want her to be their daughter-in-law because she belonged to a different community. Harish also knew very well that his family would never agree to this marriage. Ruhi was also sensible, so both of them wisely decided to separate, and Sapna’s path was cleared. She got married to Harish with great pleasure.

Sapna’s condition was the same even after marriage. She kept harassing Harish by doubting him every now and then. Although she also took great care of Harish. Even before it came out of his mouth, Sapna understood everything. Harish also depended on Sapna for his smallest needs. Sapna had also managed the house very well.

Life was going on like this. One day, Harish gets a call from Ruhi, she wanted to meet him. This one phone call creates a storm in the lives of Harish and Sapna.

Harish and Ruhi decide to meet at a restaurant. Seeing Sapna’s nature, both of them do not tell Sapna anything.

But Sapna had somehow overheard both of them. But he did not let this be revealed to Harish.

It was raining heavily the next day. It was Sunday, so Harish had left the house with many excuses to meet Ruhi. Sapna also followed him.

Harish reaches Ruhi’s table and seeing Ruhi who is a little wet due to the rain, he softly sings, Ek Ladki Bheegi Bhaagi Si…. By then Sapna reaches there and creates a scene. This was very unexpected for both Ruhi and Harish. When Ruhi, burning with humiliation, tries to leave, Sapna slaps her. Now Harish also loses his composure and he slaps Sapna.

Sapna leaves from there grumbling. Ruhi also leaves from there without saying anything. Instead of going home, Harish goes to his friend’s house. And here at home Sapna had taken a dangerous step.

“Harish, say something…. Do you have anything to say?” Sapna’s loud voice brings Harish out of the past and into the present.

“I had explained to you then also Sapna, and today I will say the same thing that you had a big misunderstanding, the relationship between us had ended long ago, it was just a friendly meeting. We didn’t tell you just to avoid your questions and madness. Sapna, you do this thing every year whenever it rains. Now stop it, friend, it has been 3 years since this thing happened, now I am fed up with you” Harish said.

“Are you fed up with me, so I am leaving, and this time for sure, I will never come back to see you again. You will get tired of calling, but I will not come.” Sapna said angrily.

“So go, who has stopped you, you say this every time and then come back.”

“I will not come this time”

As soon as he said this, Sapna jumped from the balcony.

Sapna’s body was lying lifeless below, drenched in the rain. Just like that day, Sapna, who had left the restaurant in anger, had committed suicide after coming home. Her body remained wet like this till Harish came home.

The gimmick is from somewhere. For the past six years, she has come once every rainy season, and fights every time, and then leaves, deciding never to come again. Now let’s see the path of Pagli till the next rain. When he looked down, it was not a dream.

With a heavy heart, he came inside humming. A girl ran away wet…!!!!


Final Word

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