If You Are A Dog Lover Then Know These Amazing Facts About Dog

1. Let us tell you that there are about 400 million dogs and hundreds of their breeds in the world.

2. Let us tell you that dogs are considered descendants of wolves. 99% of their DNA is similar to that of a wolf.

3. Let us tell you that the average life span of a dog is about 10 to 14 years. The brain of a dog is the same as that of a 2-year-old human.

4. Let us tell you that the life span of small breed dogs is generally longer than that of large breed dogs.

5. Let us tell you that the life span of pet dogs is also longer than other dogs.

6. Let us tell you that like human fingerprints, the nose prints of two dogs are unique.

7. Let us tell you that the dog's ability to see in the dark and in the morning is very good.

8. Let us tell you that in the dark, dogs use their whiskers to pick up subtle changes in air currents. Due to this, it helps dogs to see in the dark.

9. Let us tell you that puppy dogs have 28 teeth and adult dogs have 42 teeth.

10. Let us tell you that dogs have three eyelids, one of which is to keep their eyes moist and protected.